


Bay County and the municipalities within it have declared a ‘State of Emergency’ in response to the current spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) globally and specifically in the United States.  有关最新的国家健康咨询和通知,请 点击这里.  请查看最新的佛罗里达州天气预报 点击这里. 查看湾县卫生局的最新公告 点击这里.  

协助我们当地的公司, the 海湾经济发展联盟 (Bay EDA) is compiling resources to assist our businesses and their employees during this fast-changing situation. 的 situation is unique in that it has affected everyone in their daily life and caused nearly all companies to make unexpected changes to their operation. 在这个COVID-19资源中心, 你可以找到有关联邦政府的信息, 状态, 私人金融资源帮助我们的公司渡过这场“风暴”. 如果员工的工作受到影响,您还可以找到其他信息来帮助他们. We have also included specific demographic information to help our companies and community leaders make informed decisions as we all work to stop the spread of COVID-19. 随着形势的发展, this page will be updated to provide new information on resources that will be available to assist you operation and employees. 




4月29日th, Governor DeSantis announced plans for Florida to transition into Phase 1 for Florida’s Recovery Post COVID-19 Emergency. 该计划将于5月4日(周一)生效th 在12:01 a.m. 并将持续到下一个订单. Additional Phase One information is below as well as a list of General Questions that may arise about the order.





在此期间, 我们的工作伙伴, CareerSource墨西哥湾沿岸 is managing the COVID-19 response for all workforce related items for employees and employers who have been impacted by the coronavirus. 为了支持受影响的员工队伍,CareerSource GC汇集了以下资源. 信息可以是 访问这里. CareerSource is updating this information several times daily as new information is provided regarding workforce resources.


如果你或你认识的人需要申请再就业援助, CareerSource墨西哥湾沿岸现在提供纸质申请. 请参阅图片了解更多细节.


协助企业和员工, 在周五, 3月20日, the Federal Government announced that the federal tax filing deadline was being extended from April 15th to July 15th. 这将使所有纳税人有更多的时间来完成申报和付款, 如果需要, 没有罚款或利息.  将提供有关这方面的更多信息. 最初的新闻报道可以是 在这里找到. 




If your business is in the planning stages of restarting its operation or looking for suggestions to ensure you have a safe workplace in the wake of COVID-19? 我们的合伙人在Hand Arendall Harrison Sale和U.S. 疾病预防控制中心已经收集了一些信息来帮助公司做到这一点. 更多信息见下文.






另外, 佛罗里达州已要求所有公司完成商业损失评估. 这个评估可以通过点击上面的标题或下面的照片来访问. 一旦收集到足够的信息, new programs and resources can be developed to assist our companies through this period of uncertainty. 






我们的海湾EDA投资者, Hand Arendall Harrison Sale has compiled a comprehensive summary of the Federal CARES Act that became law on 3月27日th. 3月27日, 2020, the CARES Act became law providing an unprecedented $2 trillion in aid and stimulus funding to battle the national threat of the COVID-19 emergency.  此外,你.S. 参议员里克·斯科特汇编了一份十大菠菜台子《菠菜稳台子》的摘要和常见问题. 斯科特参议员的团队也会提供帮助如果你们还有其他问题的话. 要查看摘要和常见问题,请点击下面的链接. 

 U.S. 参议员里克·斯科特的关怀法案信息


该法案本身约有880页,涉及许多项目. 的 programs discussed in this Alert are those that will be of most interest to businesses and individuals. 的re are dozens upon dozens of additional appropriations for use in programs and departments of the federal government, 军种:军队的分支, 法院, 立法机关, and the VA that appear intended to support governmental operations impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, 下面不讨论哪些. 一如既往,如果你想了解更多,我们鼓励你联系他们的律师. 如果你有兴趣,我们可以帮你联系他们在当地的代表. 我们已经提取了一些施加,但如果你想要完整的摘要,请参阅下面. 


4月24日,美国总统巴拉克.S. 联邦政府通过了工资保护贷款计划的额外资金. 国会总共批准了3200亿美元的PPP贷款计划.




帮助我们当地的公司和他们的员工, new programs are opening through the State and Federal government which can help companies access capital. 的se programs are designed so companies can meet financial obligations and pay ordinary expenses during this disruption period. More information about these programs are below and can be accessed by visiting their respective websites.



的 佛罗里达州小企业紧急过桥贷款计划 is currently available to small business owners located in all Florida counties 状态wide that experienced economic damage as a result of COVID-19.


 的 佛罗里达州小企业紧急过桥贷款计划 已获总督启用,以提供短期, 向受新冠肺炎影响的企业提供无息贷款. Administered by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) in partnership with the Florida SBDC Network and Florida First Capital Finance Corporation (FFCFC), 过渡性贷款计划是短期的, interest-free loan program designed to help businesses bridge the gap between the time damage is incurred and when a business secures other financial resources, 包括支付保险索赔或更长期的美国债务.S. 小企业管理局贷款.





的 Florida Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the University of West Florida (UWF) today launched the Northwest Florida Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Grant Program to assist businesses across our communities impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 这项奖助金计划是由一笔250美元的初始捐献才得以实现的,海湾电力公司通过其经济发展基金提供了1万美元. 


该资助计划将提供高达5美元,000 to help offset losses that 小型企业 may currently be experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 资助申请将于2020年4月8日至15日接受,并可在www上下载 资格要求包括:

•必须保持营业场所, 包括物理位置, 在符合条件的佛罗里达州西北部县.
o符合条件的佛罗里达州西北部县包括:埃斯坎比亚, 圣罗莎, 比较高, 沃尔顿, 福尔摩斯, 杰克逊, 华盛顿, 卡尔豪, 和湾.
•2 - 10名员工.
• Must have a demonstrated reduction in sales revenues of 25% or more due to the loss of business income related to COVID-19.

有关该计划的更多信息或协助完成拨款申请, 联系佛罗里达SBDC UWF电话:850-586-7802或






的 SBA is opening the eligibility for Economic Disaster Loans to companies in Florida who have been impacted by COVID-19. 如果你遭受了重大的经济损失, 你可能有资格获得SBA经济损失灾难贷款(EIDL)。. 符合条件的实体包括, 小型企业, 小型农业合作社, 以及大多数私人非营利组织.

贷款金额及用途: Substantial economic injury means the business is unable to meet its obligations and to pay its ordinary and necessary operating expenses. EIDLs provide the necessary working capital to help 小型企业 survive until normal operations resume after a disaster. 的 SBA can provide up to $2 million to help meet financial obligations and operating expenses that could have been met had the disaster not occurred. 您的贷款金额将根据您的实际经济损失和您公司的财务需求而定, 不管企业是否遭受任何财产损失.





To assist our companies and community leaders make informed decisions regarding COVID-19 response and resources below is a Bay County Community Impact Planning Report from ESRI. This profile provides a summary of the population and key healthcare indicators that are relevant for informed decision making.